The newest street performance about one anonymous wall and its story in the flow of time. Physical and visual street performance composed of images inspired by the theme of a wall. Poetic images shade into cruel physical action, the comic turns to tragedy, verticality changes to a horizontal level and vice versa. And in the end nobody knows what is up and what is down, who is inside and who outside, and mainly what is behind the wall. READ MORE…


The puppet performance inspired by the oldest written reference of the human history – fragments of myths, stories and poetry from ancient Near East. The performance combines the elements of physical and puppet theatre accompanied by live music. It consists of three stories about the ambiguity of human existence – about human desire to overcome our human fate, and about our constant succumb to philistinism, envy, fear and hatred. READ MORE…


Half improvised theatre performance based on the radio news, newspaper articles, generally accepted “truths”, which are never discussed, and topics which are discussed all the time. All these have become the sources of the new performance. This time Continuo is trying to introduce a theatrical experiment – it is an attempt of producing the performance in a “live broadcast”, i.e. now! NOW..?     READ MORE…


Neighbours is a production which is being created on the basis of interviews with several eyewitnesses, who live in the neighbourhood of Continuo Theatre. It is a story of one place during fifteen years (1938 – 1953) and about lives of several people connected with that place. Neighbours is a performance with strong visual poetry, physical acting and music inspired by folk songs from Bohemia, Moravia, Slovakia, and Georgia. READ MORE…


Květen 1949, Itálie, Janov. Přístavní čekárna. Odjíždí z Evropy, asi natrvalo. Chce do Ameriky, chce zapomenout… Inscenace Oběť je inspirována rozhovory s žijícími pamětníky, bývalými vězni koncentračního tábora Osvětim. Jeden herec, desítky, stovky a tisíce lidských životů. Jeden osud na pozadí lidské tragédie. Věci, slova, těla, věty. Hromady věcí, hromady slov, hromady těl. VÍCE INFORMACÍ O INSCENACI…


The men are gone. They have gone to search for the Holy Grail, for peace, freedom and redemption. Street physical theatre performance. Composition of live music, rhythm, historical texts, movement and visual poetry. Story of two journeys: male and female, external and internal. Story of a great journey, presented in a grotesque frame. Improvised knights and horses set out for high ideals of unity and fraternity while the women are waiting sleepless… READ MORE…